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Work starts on hospital’s new operating theatres

Posted onPosted on 12th Jul

A new state-of-the-art operating theatre is being installed at Newark Hospital.

Parts of the modular theatre, which will be known as Newark Elective Hub, were lifted into place by a crane.

The £5.6m project will result in an extra 2,600 operations and procedures taking place at Newark Hospital each year. It will provide a modern environment, contribute to reductions in waiting times, and create new jobs for nursing and healthcare staff.

The extra capacity in elective care will improve patient choice and help to address access to health services for those who would previously have had to travel further afield for treatment.

The new suite, which includes a recovery area, anaesthetic room, and scrub facilities, is being built beside the existing two theatres. The first operations are expected to take place in the new theatre this autumn.

The extra theatre slots will be targeted towards procedures delivered by orthopaedics, urology, and ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery, which have the greatest backlogs. In addition, improvements to the existing minor operations suite will enable some procedures to take place there rather than in a theatre. This will free up theatre space for procedures where an overnight stay is likely.

Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which manages the hospital, was awarded the funding from the NHS England’s Targeted Investment Fund (TIF) following a successful bid.

The money will also provide the required new theatre equipment and extra storage space, as well as improved changing and rest facilities for staff.

David Ainsworth, director of Strategy and Partnerships for Sherwood Forest Hospitals, said: “This is a really exciting time for Newark Hospital, our patients and colleagues. This project is just the latest aspect of our plans to make best use of the potential of the hospital.

“Don’t forget to ask your GP or hospital team if you can have your treatment at Newark. You’ll receive the same high standard of care that you’d get at King’s Mill or elsewhere, but without the inconvenience of unnecessary travel.”

The hospital trust is working in partnership with Newark and Sherwood District Council to provide 80 new parking spaces for staff on land next to the hospital on Bowbridge Road. This will release spaces in the existing hospital car park for patients and visitors.

In the past two years, Sherwood Forest Hospitals has already invested £5m in services provided at Newark Hospital.

The hospital runs several outpatient clinics, diagnostic tests including MRI and CT scans, along with blood tests, has dedicated audiology sound booths for hearing services, provides children’s services, a women’s centre with community-based midwives, therapy services, sexual health services, and pre-operative assessment, and carries out various operations including hip and knee replacements. This is all in addition to the Urgent Treatment Centre, which provides same-day care and treatment of minor injuries and illnesses.

ABOVE: How the inside of the new theatre could look.

TOP: The health trust’s director of Strategy and Partnerships, David Ainsworth, with members of the theatres team; the outside of the hospital.