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Work placement leads to part-time job

Posted onPosted on 3rd Dec
Work placement leads to part-time job

A learner based at Mansfield’s Portland College has landed a job at the company where he was on work placement.

County Battery, at Kirkby, offered him a part-time role when his work placement came to an end.

College job coach Sam Richards said when Jordan arrived at Portland in September 2014 his disability meant he could struggle with social interaction and tended to dislike busy or crowded places.

Following a placement within the college’s coffee shop, Jordan went to County Battery.

Sales director Phil Dobson, pictured with Jordan, said: “County Battery has worked with young people in the past, giving them the opportunity to get experience in the workplace.

“Over the past few months Jordan has developed into a confident young man.

“He started by helping in the warehouse with daily duties and soon became a valued part of the team, packing parcels for distribution across the UK.

“The role has many responsibilities, ensuring goods are packed and labelled to the correct specifications and ready to be dispatched on time.

“If you get an opportunity like Jordan did, grab it, don’t make excuses, don’t have fear, embrace the opportunity and have a go.”