Wills experts at Fidler & Pepper Solicitors have raised more than £25,000 for Will Aid over the years, and now they need you to help them raise even more.
Will Aid is a national fundraising initiative that runs annually in November. It sees people making a Will with participating lawyers who waive their usual fee but invite people to make a donation to the Will Aid charities instead.
The money raised is then split between nine charities, including ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, Save the Children, CIAF in Scotland, Sightsavers, NSPCC and Trocaire in Northern Ireland.
Richard Howard, the Fidler & Pepper partner who heads up the firm’s Wills, trusts and probate teams, said: “We’re really behind this scheme and have seen people make their Wills because they can also help charities at the same time.
“I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a Will written, and to have it written by qualified people who know what they are talking about.
“Not having a Will does cause problems, but so too does having one that does not conform to the rules and regulations.”
Suggested voluntary donations are £95 for a basic single Will or £150 for a pair of basic mirror Wills.
For more information about making a Will Aid appointment with Richard, call 01623 451111.