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West Notts gets tidy with pride

Posted onPosted on 20th May
West Notts gets tidy with pride

Students at West Nottinghamshire College have been armed with black bags and gloves this week as they get busy with the college’s Big Tidy Up, Take Pride campaign.

Organised by the Students’ Union president Nick Golubs, an army of almost 50 students have been dutifully collecting litter across the college campuses this week (9-13 May) in a bid to get the sites clean and attractive.

Nick said: “Our students are generally very good at placing their litter in the correct places, but there are instances where people can be forgetful, so my team of volunteers are doing their bit to remind students to keep up the good habits and take a pride in their college.

“We’ve been busy outside too, ensuring all the wind-blown litter is bagged up and I’m really proud of the hard work our student volunteers have put in.”

A further group of students will be assisting Mansfield District Council with the International Mansfield Clean Up initiative on Friday 10 June. The day sees schools, businesses, residents, friends, conservation and community groups join together to make Mansfield a cleaner place.

The campaign also invites other Mansfields from across the world to take part in the clean-up event, to help make Mansfield the cleanest place on the planet. West Notts students will be collecting litter on Titchfield Park between 10am and 4pm.

Pictured is Students Union president Nick Golubs (centre front) with his green army of litter pickers.