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Time running out to apply for community funding

Posted onPosted on 3rd Feb

There is less than one week left to submit applications for grants to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

In December 2022, Mansfield District Council was allocated £2.955m covering three years. The fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK by investing in communities and places, supporting local businesses, people, and skills.
The deadline to apply for both funds is 8th February, 2023. Projects must be able to commence expenditure before 31 March 2023.
There are two routes through which businesses, community groups and people can apply.
Firstly, through the Mansfield Community Grant Fund, which is now taking applications via the Mansfield CVS website. This route offers a maximum of £15,000 in grants for community and voluntary groups to apply for projects that will make a difference in their local neighbourhoods. You can view more information at
Vanessa Whitton, chief executive of Mansfield CVS, said: “This fund is such a fantastic opportunity for community groups within our district, and with just over a week left to apply, we desperately do not want anybody to miss out.
“Grants of up to £15,000 can make such a huge difference to a small group or organisation, and so we are urging people to come forward and apply or even just reach out to us to find out more.”
The Mansfield UKSPF Communities and Place is the second route to apply for this funding. Bids for over £15,000 can be made, and these projects must demonstrate how they contribute to the fund’s communities and place ambitions. Applications for this route are open now through the council’s website at
Mayor Andy Abrahams added: “With less than one week to go, it is so important that many businesses, groups and people get in touch with the council and CVS to get these applications in.
“This is a huge pot of money that can make a real difference to community projects on the ground, and also for the larger grants, to help continue the journey of making Mansfield a destination to live, work and visit.”