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Teabag campaign highlights domestic abuse issues

Posted onPosted on 28th Sep

A two-week campaign aimed at helping people save their friends from domestic abuse has seen hundreds of Mansfield shoppers being given special teabags.

Nottingham-based charity Equation trialled a project at the Jubilee Way South Tesco store, using a special promotional giveaway event.

Equation handed out more than 2,000 teabags with packaging on that offered a helpline number to call and messages urging people to help friends who they suspect are victims of domestic abuse.

The campaign was supported by an attention-grabbing social media and print campaign that has been seen by thousands of social media users and newspaper readers.

Chloe Cheeseman, Campaigns Co-ordinator at Equation, said that she hoped the campaign would raise the number of women accessing the local 24-hour domestic and sexual violence helpline (0808 800 0340), which receives up to 14,000 calls each year.

She said: “Ordinary people can make a real difference to the lives of women who are experiencing domestic abuse but who find it difficult to report what is happening to professional support agencies.

“Help is out there. Professional services can be provided to people who need it and friends and family can help women to access that support.”

People who are worried that a friend is being hurt by her partner, should ring the 24-hour helpline to find out how they can help. The number is 0808 800 0340. The website also offers advice.