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Super-fundraiser’s generosity marked

Posted onPosted on 26th Jul

Sutton’s super-fundraiser, Alan Hupton, was surprised by supporters and benefactors with a special presentation.

Chloe O’Donnell, manager of the Idlewells shopping centre; Specsavers staff; the manager of the Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance, Jim Vickrage, watched as Specsavers director Nigel Davidson presented Alan with a homemade coffee cake — his favourite — and gifts linked to his favourite football team, Burnley.

Nigel said: “It was a recognition of the generous way in which Alan has donated the gift of his time and effort towards selflessly helping others.

“I, along with many others, walk past him daily, exchange a few words and donate a few coins.

“I am constantly inspired by him and I often cite him as an example to students on what can be achieved with tenacity, purpose and single-minded dedication.”

Chloe presented Alan with a desk to use in the centre, where he fundraises five days a week, and a new set of branded clothing to promote the latest charity he is helping — Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital — chosen in support of Idlewells’ own fundraising.

“We are so proud to have Alan here at Idlewells, doing such great work for charities,” said Chloe.

“He collects with such enthusiasm, with pride and joy at the amounts passers-by regularly donate.

“We are delighted that he is supporting our charity this time, especially as he says it’s a way of saying thank-you for helping and working with him over the years.”

The Idlewells security team constantly monitor Alan’s position, and assist with his cashing up.

He also has the support of retailers at The Repair Shop and the indoor market’s Webster’s Bakery team.
Alan, who was born fit and healthy in 1954, suffered a decline in health and mobility after problems from statutory vaccinations.

Since he was around 18, Alan has raised an estimated £225,000 for a range of charities, including Dallas Street wheelchairs (£3,000), Guide Dogs for the Blind (£35,945), breast cancer (£21,500), Macmillan (£15,000) and the Royal British Legion poppy appeals (£24,250).

His most recent five-year support of Nottinghamshire Lincolnshire Air Ambulance, in honour of his father’s dedication to the service, was recognised by Jim Vickrage at the presentation. Alan raised £50,035.95.

Talking about raising money for Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital, London, Alan said: “I’m happy to be helping this worthwhile charity and children. I don’t like to think there are children still going through what I have over the years.”