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Students selling products on market for Junior Enterprise day

Posted onPosted on 17th Jun

Local schools are getting ready to sell their products on Mansfield Market as part of the 2019 Junior Enterprise events.

Teams from five local schools have been busy making and producing goods to sell on the day.

The event is set for Wednesday, 26th June, from 9am to 2pm on Mansfield Market next to the Old Town Hall.

The event is for Key Stage 3 students and has an entrepreneurial theme.

The aim of the challenge is for participants to develop an understanding of how to set up a small business enterprise to sell a product, including the costs and responsibilities involved. Participants will also consider the skills required for the enterprise activity and how to promote the activity.

The stalls and products will be judged and the winners will be announced at an awards event toon 18th July.

People are being urged to come along and support the students and also their local market too.

This year’s sponsors are local businesses: Glenair, Linneys, Hall-Fast Industrial Supplies, Fidler & Peppers Lawyers, B Jephson Mansfield Ltd, Invest Ashfield & Mansfield (Ashfield and Mansfield District Councils), Jephsons Shopfitters Ltd.

Commenting on the event, Mansfield & Ashfield 2020 chairman Russell Jones said: “We are really excited about young people getting involved, making and producing really useful things and coming along to the market to sell them.

“It’s all about having a fun time whilst learning skill necessary for adult life. Our thanks go out to all schools involved, business mentors supporting the schools and to all our sponsors for making this happen.”