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Star awards for hard work

Posted onPosted on 4th Jan

Students who went the extra mile to live up to their school’s values, work hard at their studies, and strive to never miss a lesson were rewarded for their dedication at a special celebration.

Around 70 teenagers at Shirebrook Academy were invited to step up to receive certificates and blazer badges when the school held Shirebrook Stars for the first time in two years.

The school usually holds the event at the end of every term, when students who have amassed the most points for good attendance, participation in events and upholding the school’s core values over the preceding months, are sorted into bronze, silver, gold and platinum categories.

Covid restrictions and home schooling meant the event was last held in December 2019, but now dozens of years 8, 9 and 10 students have picked up bronze awards, alongside a handful of silver awards and two gold awards that went to Year 8 students Dyer Ellis, 12, and 13-year-old Maximus Warren.

Also, 45 Year Seven students received bronze, silver and gold awards, watched by their parents.

Lindsay Ward, vice-principal, handed out the awards and paid tribute to the winners for their efforts.

She said: “It’s important that we celebrate the success and achievements of our young people and give them the accolades that they deserve.

“We recognise that during this difficult time so many young people are doing exactly what we expect of them on the way to becoming a good citizen and a good person.”

Dyer’s mum, Natalie Ellis, said: “Dyer is very motivated and driven and coming along today to see him pick up his award has been a lovely surprise.”

ABOVE: From left, Natalie Ellis, Dyer Ellis, Shirebrook Academy vice-principal Lindsay Ward, Maximus Warren and his mum, Dawn Warren.