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How many pairs of goalkeeper gloves do you need?

Posted onPosted on 29th Aug

Every goalkeeper needs a good set of gloves. But is one set enough? Or should you opt for multiple pairs of goalkeeper gloves instead? Well, there’s no single definitive answer to that question, but it’s one that’s worth considering, as you may find that multiple sets of gloves bring benefits to your game.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of owning several pairs or one pair of goalkeeper gloves.

One Pair of Goalkeeper Gloves

We’ll start with the simplest option: owning a single pair of goalkeeper gloves at a time. This way, you only have one pair to worry about, to get used to, and to maintain.

The Pros

  • Simplicity: Owning one set of gloves is simpler and more convenient than having two or more. You won’t have to worry about maintaining all your different sets if you only have one, nor will you need to spend time figuring out the right pair for each game or training session.
  • Affordable: It’s usually cheaper to own a single pair of goalkeeper gloves, as you only need to pay a single up-front cost. Plus, you’ll typically spend less on glove maintenance supplies like glove spray and cleaning products.
  • Familiar: A big reason why so many keepers find a single set of gloves and stick to them is familiarity. They want to feel accustomed to their gloves, as that gives them the comfort and confidence they need to focus on their game and play to the best of their abilities.

The Cons

  • Won’t Last as Long: On the downside, if you only ever use one pair of gloves for all your games and training sessions, they’ll naturally wear down much faster. They’ll lose their grip and require more upkeep before eventually and inevitably needing replacement.
  • Not Always the Right Option: Even if you get a good all-round set of goalkeeper gloves, there may be situations where they’re not quite the ideal fit. They might not work as well in rainy conditions, for example, which is why it can be handy to have a secondary pair for wet days.

Two Pairs of Goalkeeper Gloves

Next, let’s consider how it might be to your advantage to invest in a second pair of goalkeeper gloves and swap between the two as needed.

The Pros

  • They’ll Last Longer: Naturally, if you have two pairs of gloves, you can swap from one to the other between games or training sessions. That means that each pair won’t be used quite as intensively, so they should last much longer.
  • Different Gloves for Different Conditions: Game conditions, like weather and playing surfaces, can vary from one match to the next. Having multiple gloves lets you adapt to each situation and pick the perfect fit to suit the circumstances of the moment.
  • One Pair for Training, One for Games: Having two pairs of gloves also means you can use one in your training routines and the other for games, as training sessions are often totally different experiences from real matches.

The Cons

  • Costs More: Buying two pairs of gloves is obviously more expensive than buying just one, and you’ll most likely have to spend more on maintaining the two pairs, too. However, you may save a little in the long run as you won’t have to replace your gloves so soon.
  • Requires Adaptability: Lots of goalies need time to adjust to different fits and feels of gloves. So, if you’re always switching between two different pairs, it may be tricky to make those adjustments, and you may end up greatly preferring the feel of one pair over the other.

Is It Worth Having More Than Two Pairs?

Clearly, having two pairs of gloves can be advantageous. But how about more pairs than that? Well, some players may like to have three or even four different types of gloves to switch between as needed. One for wet games, one for hard ground, one for training, and another for other situations, for example.

However, the more styles of gloves you have, the more money you’ll end up spending and the more you’ll have to adapt and adjust to each specific cut and design. That’s why two is arguably the optimal number of glove pairs to own.

Equip Yourself With The Very Best Goalkeeper Gloves

No matter whether you decide to wear a single pair of goalkeeper gloves or invest in two or more, it’s important to buy the best quality gear to suit your game. Don’t make the mistake of rushing in or buying gloves based on nothing but brand names and appearances.

Take your time, read product descriptions carefully, and compare your options to find the ideal gloves for every game.