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Song tribute to King’s Mill “hero” medics

Posted onPosted on 13th Apr

Skegby musician Johnny Hurst has composed a special tribute to King’s Mill Hospital and its nurses and medical staff for their hard work and commitment during the coronavirus pandemic.

Johnny was then persuaded to turn his words into a song by Mansfield 103.2 managing director Tony Delahunty and performed it with friends Karen Brookes and Pete Spencer on the local radio station on Monday morning.

Johnny told the radio station they wanted to thank the NHS for their commitment during the coronavirus pandemic and to cheer people up.

“I have got a lot of friends who are nurses and I’ve seen the hard work and the long hours they put in,” he said.

”They deserve a lot of credit. They are the heroes. An idea came into my head and I wrote the lyrics on the back of a timesheet at work.

“When I got home I looked at the lyrics and tidied them up a bit.”

The song has been written in a reggae style and features Johnny and Karen on vocals.

Johnny also plays lead guitar and synthesizer, Karen the guitar and Pete the base and rhythm guitar.

Karen said she was born at King’s Mill and had friends and former school friends who worked there.

She hopes that people working in the NHS take away from the song the fact that they are appreciated.

”They have worked non-stop (during the crisis) and it has been tough for them mentally and physically,” she said.

“The song is just a thank you for their hard work and shows them that they are irreplaceable and that what they do is fantastic.”

Local director of primary care David Ainsworth, a regular guest on Mansfield 103.2 to talk about the pandemic and former News Journal columnist, is mentioned in the song.

”I love it. It is absolutely brilliant,” he said.

“All my colleagues at King’s Mill and Newark hospitals and everywhere will be really delighted.

“It is a tribute to their hard work and efforts during the pandemic.

“I thank everyone involved with it. It is a great bit of fun.”