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Soft play centre and café opens at Water Meadows

Posted onPosted on 25th May
Soft play centre and café opens at Water Meadows

The Water Meadows Swimming and Fitness Complex in Mansfield has officially opened its doors to a brand new £210K soft play and café area.

Executive Mayor of Mansfield District Council, Kate Allsop performed the opening ceremony, before joining parents to explore the exciting new play centre that is guaranteed to entertain families with children aged under 12 years.

The two-tier facility, which is also available for group activities and pre-booked parties, includes a host of features including:
•A walk of fear
•Electronic walk-on piano
•Ropes and rollers
•Separate toddler area
•Twin lane toddler slide
•Toddler ‘hidey hole’ with mirrors

The soft play area and café are open from 10am to 6pm Monday to Thursday, 10am to 9pm on Friday and 9am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday. It costs £3 per child, or £2 per child if purchased with a swimming ticket. There are concessionary rates for those who qualify and no charge for accompanying adults.

Funding for the scheme has come from Mansfield District Council, who contributed £140,000, and the Mansfield District Leisure Trust, who provided £70,000.

Executive Mayor of Mansfield District Council, Kate Allsop said: “This wonderful new play attraction and café will give young children hours of fun and is a welcome addition to the centre’s swimming and fitness facilities. With so much entertainment under one roof, Water Meadows offers families a great day out.”

Brian Taylor, Chair of the Mansfield and District Leisure Trust, said: “The soft play and café development at Water Meadows is another great example of the partnership approach taken by Mansfield District Council and Mansfield District Leisure Trust. The top quality facilities complement the existing swimming and fitness provision perfectly and will be enjoyed by families from the local community for many years to come.”