At the 2023 annual meeting of the Mansfield Mechanics Institute Snooker Club, long-time member Ian Gibson bowed out — retiring from the game and club he had played, served and loved for some 50 years.
As a committee member (snooker and Institute) Ian, with his knowledge of the game, successfully co-ordinated many years of snooker competitions, ensuring entrants, rules, and timetables — all with his ‘unerring sportsmanship for fair play’.
The institute added: “In play he was a respected and feared opponent, well remembered for his cue ball control, his thoughtful, very skilful safety play.
“Ian entered club competitions, leaving his name on the tournament board of winners.
“With over a dozen years as snooker treasurer adding to his reputation and credit, the institute owes Ian a debt of gratitude for his many years of commitment.”