People can show their support for survivors of domestic abuse by letting them know that someone is thinking of them this White Ribbon Day.
Messages of support will be displayed on a Christmas tree at Mansfield District Council’s Civic Centre from 10am to 2pm on Friday, 24th November.
The event is being held ahead of the national White Ribbon Day, which takes place on 25th November.
The council’s Domestic Violence Prevention Officer will be on hand in the mall to provide information about the national campaign and encourage people to sign the pledge to ‘Never commit, excuse or stay silent about male violence towards women’.
Support workers from Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid will also be there to provide information about their services and how survivors can access support.
There will also be information about how people could support a friend, family member or work colleague that you know is a survivor of domestic abuse.
Cllr Bill Drewett, Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities at Mansfield District Council, said: “Two out of three women will never be affected by domestic abuse. Let’s stand together and send a message of support to the one in three that will.
“You can help by coming along to the event, signing the White Ribbon pledge and leaving a message of support. You can also find out more about domestic violence and abuse so you can understand a little about what they are going through and if you know someone you think may be experiencing abuse, let them know that they can talk to you in confidence.”
White Ribbon UK was founded in 2007 and aims to end male violence against women. Mansfield District Council was first awarded White Ribbon status in February 2013 and was re-accredited earlier this year for demonstrating its continued commitment to raising public awareness of the campaign and its aim to eradicate domestic violence.
Visit for more information about the campaign or to sign the pledge online.
If you would like to talk to someone about domestic abuse, you can contact:
Nottinghamshire Women’s Aid on 01909 533 610
Nottinghamshire Domestic Abuse Services (NIDAS) on 01623 683 250
Nottinghamshire 24 hour freephone helpline on 0808 800 0340
Men’s Advice Line on 0808 801 0327
Equation’s domestic abuse service for men on 0115 960 5556.