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Sherwood Forest Hospitals celebrates apprentices during National Apprenticeship Week

Posted onPosted on 31st Jan

Sherwood Forest Hospitals – which runs King’s Mill Hospital, Sutton, and Mansfield Community Hospital – will be celebrating National Apprenticeship Week, from 3rd to 7th February, by recognising members of staff who have completed an apprenticeship at the Trust.

Members of staff who have completed an apprenticeship at the trust or NHIS (Nottinghamshire Health Informatics Service), since the national apprenticeship levy was introduced in 2017, will be congratulated at a celebratory event during National Apprenticeship Week.

Members of staff being rewarded include five colleagues from NHIS, who provide ICT services across the NHS in the East Midlands, and 14 from the three Sherwood Forest Hospitals sites.

With an apprenticeship, apprentices gain experience, learn about the industry and the NHS, earn a wage and receive a recognised qualification at the end. There are currently 122 members of staff at Sherwood Forest Hospitals undertaking an apprenticeship, with 53 starting at the end of 2019. Some apprenticeships currently being utilised at the trust and NHIS include Level 3 IT Infrastructure Technician; Level 2 Business Administration; Level 2 Customer Service; Level 3 Creative and Digital Media; Level 4 Cyber Security Technologist; Level 5 Healthcare Assistant Practitioner; and Level 6 Healthcare Science Practitioner Degree.

There are more than 150 apprenticeships to choose from in the NHS, including Level 3 Healthcare Support Worker; Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor; Level 5 Operation/Departmental Manager; and Level 6 Chartered Manager.

Sarah Clark, NHIS Project Implementation and Training Officer, said: “I started with Nottinghamshire Health Informatics Service in 2014 as an apprentice administrator for the training team. I have been part of the team for five years now and have worked up through different job roles.

“I learned lots of valuable skills throughout my apprenticeship and gained lots of confidence. Deciding to do an apprenticeship was the best thing I ever did as it has brought me lots of great opportunities and support. Sherwood Forest Hospitals and NHIS have helped me build my career and I know they support me in everything I do.”

Claire Garner, Sarah’s manager, added: “The use of apprenticeships throughout the NHS has enabled the service to grow and create a diverse workforce. Apprentices often bring new and innovative ideas to the team and input into new ways of working into the service.

“Having apprentices in the team also allows current members of staff to become mentors and trainers, and they are provided with training and support to help them with their mentor role.

“Being able to use the funds from the apprenticeship levy has meant that staff have been able to look at the variety of courses available to them that could be funded this way.

“It is great to see how much Sarah has achieved during her apprenticeship and throughout her career in the NHS.”

During the week, the trust will hold Q&A and information sessions for staff and members of the public wishing to find out more about the apprenticeships available to them.

On Wednesday, 5th February, there will be information stands in the King’s Treatment Centre (main entrance) at King’s Mill Hospital from 9.30am to 3.30pm. Members of the public will be able to speak to current apprentices and hear advice about finding the right apprenticeship.

There will also be members of the Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ Learning and Development team available to answer any questions, from both staff and members of the public. They will also be able to provide information about local apprenticeships and how to apply.