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Sharing best practice

Posted onPosted on 23rd Dec

The best practice of how health workers in Mid-Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership help to care for people who are dying — and support those who repeatedly go to A&E ­— has been passed on to colleagues in Scotland.

The group from NHS Highland met care workers from across Mansfield, Ashfield, and Newark and Sherwood to share learning on care.

Beaumond House Community Hospice, Newark; Mansfield and Ashfield CCG; Mansfield and Ashfield CCG Patient and Public Engagement Committee Chair; Mid-Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP); Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust; Nottinghamshire Hospice; and Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust took part in the discussions, hosted at the John Eastwood Hospice, Sutton.

The guests were also taken to see the Emergency Department at King’s Mill Hospital and the Ashfield Health and Wellbeing Centre during their two-day visit.

NHS Highland chief executive Iain Stewart said: “This has been an extremely useful visit and I was interested to learn about how Mid Notts has integrated their end of life care and how their high intensity service users’ journey has evolved.

“It has been inspiring to hear how Mid Notts has tackled the challenges they have faced and there is much we can learn from their innovative approach.”

NHS Highland deputy nurse director Kate Patience-Quate added: “Although Highland and Mid Notts are hundreds of miles apart, we share a lot of the same challenges around end of life care, especially in service delivery within remote and rural communities.

“It is encouraging to see such good work being done in Mid Notts and we will look to adopt elements of this approach within NHS Highland.”

Peter Wozencroft, director of Integrated Care at Mid-Nottinghamshire ICP, said: “The last two days have shown that from the Scottish Highlands to Sherwood Forest there are the same issues facing our communities.

“If we can share our learning, and learn from others, so that all the residents in our communities benefit, then we are happy and proud to do this.”