Asquith Primary School has received a certificate to mark its silver gilt award at the Midlands In Bloom competition last year.
The Mansfield school worked hard to improve its garden areas from a bronze the previous year.
Coun Andrew Tristram, portfolio holder for the environment at Mansfield District Council, presented the certificate in school and met two pupils who particularly enjoyed gardening and took some of the ideas home to their own gardens.
Office manager Sandra Towson, who has supported the gardening developments at the school, said: “We have developed a key area, creating a great terraced space where the children have planted bulbs to make our school bright and colourful.
“I have encouraged children to help me with watering and weeding during lunchtimes and breaks. We have all enjoyed it and have set our sights on achieving gold next time.”
Asquith welcomes volunteers into school to help with gardening and would welcome donations of seeds or plants towards plans for further planting areas.
Head Clare Harding said: “Taking responsibility for growing plants and working in harmony with others is part of everyday life and can make our lives more fulfilled.”