Mansfield District Council is holding two public consultation events this week to enable people to find out more about the Mansfield Townscape Heritage Project and shape the programme.
The events will be held on Thursday, 18th January, from 8am to 8pm, and Friday, 19th January from 8am to 4pm at 34 Leeming Street (formerly Piri Shak).
Owners of around 40 buildings in the area are invited to come and find out about potential grant funding for repairs and refurbishment of their property, to conserve the heritage of Mansfield and improve the appearance and vitality of the town centre.
Local people are also invited to attend the events to have their say on what heritage events and community activities they would welcome and what more they would like to see and do, to learn about Mansfield’s history and built heritage.
The purpose of the consultation events is to inform and secure support for a second round funding application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the Mansfield Townscape Heritage Project.
If successful, the bid will bring in around £1m of investment to restore and bring back to use some of the beautiful buildings within the conservation area.
The council-led project will provide a five-year programme of conservation, community engagement, educational events and media involvement. Local commitment for the proposals is required to demonstrate the need for National Lottery support for the programme.
Projects that improve the appearance of the town and instil a pride of place are important elements of the council’s place shaping agenda and putting Mansfield on the map.
Mansfield District Council is working in collaboration with Vision West Notts College, Mansfield BID, Mansfield Museum and Nottinghamshire County Council to deliver this project.
The second round application is being developed with assistance from Creative Heritage Consultants, with grant support from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
The delivery phase of the project will also provide ‘real life’ work experience opportunities to learn about conservation and restoration skills to maintain the town’s built heritage for years to come.
Students will be involved in recording the project, through art and film and there will be story-telling activities, street theatre and photography competitions to celebrate the regeneration of Leeming Street, which was once one of the most elegant shopping streets in the town.
Cllr Dave Saunders, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration at Mansfield District Council, said: “The conservation area around Mansfield Market Place contains some of the most unique and historic buildings of our town and is the focus of a Townscape Heritage project that will preserve the character and use of these important architectural assets.
“We encourage the public to come along to the events and have their say on how we can preserve our town’s heritage. We want to know what heritage themed activities you’d like to see, such as historical tours and guided walks, heritage trails, or skills training sessions. Please bring your old photos and tell us your memories of the shops on Leeming Street in the past.
“If you’re enthusiastic about the town and want to help put Mansfield on the map, do come along to find out how you can help deliver the five year project. You could become a voluntary guided walk leader for example, or learn skills of archive research or film-making.”
There will be free refreshments and fun activities for children.
Visit the council’s website for more information.