A Mansfield Woodhouse-based company that makes high-tech performance and fitness wear is backing an appeal to send a 22-month-old Sutton boy to the USA for potentially life-saving treatment.
Dawson Willcock has a form of liver cancer that affects only one in one million children and has failed to respond to orthodox chemotherapy
Now his parents, Wendy and David, are trying to raise £500,000 to send him to Cincinnati in the USA for pioneering treatment.
Proskins will be backing the A Dollar For Dawson campaign by running the 5k and 10k races in Mansfield on 17th September.
Proskins director Jason Robinson, a rugby legend and a finalist of Channel 4’s The Jump, will be running alongside the Proskins team to support Dawson and there are also 100 other places available to join together to run (or walk) for Dawson.
Neil French, managing director for Proskins, said: : “We want to raise as much money as we can for Dawson. So anything you can donate, big or small, will really make a difference
“Dawson’s family have been a loyal and valued customer of ours, so the team here at Proskins want to raise awareness and money to help Dawson get the treatment he needs.”
To back the Proskins efforts go to www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ProskinsRaceForDawson
For more information on the A Dollar For Dawson campaign click here.