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Pupils design shops in restoration project

Posted onPosted on 18th Mar

More than 180 primary school pupils in Mansfield took part in free workshops, teaching them about the history of shopping in the town.

The two-hour workshops, Vikings to Victorians – A History of Shopping!, were run at five schools as part of the Mansfield’s Townscape Heritage Project.

Teachers said the creative sessions revealed unexpected hidden talents in their pupils, while children indicated that they appreciated the opportunity and freedom to create something from scratch based on the learning they had received.

The sessions at the schools started with a 30-minute visual presentation on the history and development of shopping in Mansfield, followed by a hands-on art and technology session.

They were devised and delivered by the Townscape Heritage Project activities co-ordinator Theresa Workman (pictured), who said: “Pupils learned all about the origins of markets and shops, with a focus on Mansfield, and how its historic streets developed over time.

“Then the real fun began, with an art session where pupils create a designer’s mood board for the interior of their shop, using replica fabrics, wallpapers, and furniture images from the Georgian and Victorian era, which is when many of Mansfield’s existing shops were built.

“The children then went on to design the exterior of their shop with window displays, signage, and branding.

“The deliberate, unstructured style of the sessions allowed their imaginations and creative ability to run wild and pupils surprised their teachers with their ability to plan, manage their time, use colour sense, and pull together a brand or design for their chosen shop.

“They gained insight into the planning and running of a shop, and respect for shop owners. In turn, we hope it will lead them to value the town centre and the work of the Townscape Heritage Project to restore historic buildings.”

Coun Stuart Richardson, portfolio holder for Regeneration and Growth, said: “What a great way to teach youngsters history in a fun and creative way.”

The five workshops were possible with support from The National Lottery Heritage Fund as part of the Mansfield Townscape Heritage Project.

The five-year programme of conservation, community engagement, and educational events is supported by a grant of £849,100 from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The project aims to help revive parts of Leeming Street and the Market Place conservation area by helping businesses and property owners carry out repairs and refurbishments to enhance the architectural quality of their Victorian and Georgian buildings.

Match-funded grants of up to 70% are available to help owners with the cost of making improvements.