Allsorts Preschool, Underwood, is one of the groups to have been awarded a grant through the Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Fund run by Forest Town-based Veolia, (Nottinghamshire County Council’s waste contractor).
The Garden Project encourages very young children and their families to plant and grow fruits and vegetables and then recycle their green waste by composting and using the compost to improve the soil in the Preschool edible garden.
Allsorts Preschool was granted £650 to support the set up of its garden and composting area for the children, parents and the local community to recycle and reuse everyday materials.
The Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Fund is designed to support projects that inspire people to think differently about waste and resources. The Fund offers grants of up to £1,000 to groups, schools and charities who are committed to helping Nottinghamshire to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Apply online before the 28th September at
Allsorts Preschool Garden Project encourages the children to grow fruits and vegetables which become part of their daily snack, and are also used in baking sessions and for sensory play. Any excess produce is given to the children to take home and eat with their families, encouraging healthy eating.
Seeds and cuttings are collected at the end of the season for use the following year and old plants are added to the compost bin. The Preschool reuse and repurpose materials in the garden such as plastic drink bottles becoming plant holders and outgrown children’s wellington boots and tyres becoming planters for herbs. These activities are supported by rain water collected in the onsite water butt.
Philippa Tomczyk, Preschool supervisor at Allsorts, said: “The funding from the Reduce, Reuse Recycling Fund has enabled us to buy all the equipment the children need to grow their own fruit and vegetables, storage for the tools and a compost bin set up. The children have loved planting and caring for the seeds, and the best of all – picking and eating their own food!. They proudly bring in their fruit and vegetable peelings to add to the composter.”
Coun Phil Rostance, vice-chairman of Communities and Place at Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “I’m delighted to hear that the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Fund is helping support projects like this one at Allsorts Preschool. It’s important projects like this are supported as they help to encourage recycling habits from an early age in the hope that children will continue and build on these habits throughout their life.”
Lea Hawkes, general manager for Veolia Nottinghamshire, added: “It has been fantastic to support projects like this that focus on looking at waste as a resource. By growing their own healthy fruit and vegetables the children have learned valuable life skills alongside the benefits of composting. If you have a project, idea or scheme you would like support with please get in touch.”