A new initiative supported by Nottinghamshire County Council and health partners that gives help and advice to new mums breastfeeding has been rated a success.
The two-year pilot scheme, which covers Ashfield and Mansfield, has introduced infant feeding peer support workers to provide additional support to new mums, outside of what midwives and health visitors already offer.
Theresa Drozdowska, infant feeding lead, Nottinghamshire Healthcare, said: “Breastfeeding protects babies against a wide range of serious illnesses, including gastroenteritis and respiratory infections in infancy as well as asthma, cardiovascular disease and diabetes in later life.
“We also know that breastfeeding reduces the mother’s risk of some cancers — although mums might be more interested in hearing that it is easier, cheaper and simply less hassle than bottle feeding.”
County Health Partnerships has been awarded the prestigious Baby Friendly Award and is the latest UK healthcare facility to win international recognition from Unicef.
Coun Joyce Bosnjak, chairman of the Public Health Committee at the county council, said: “I’m delighted that County Health Partnerships has received this award in recognition of the support it provides mothers and babies across Nottinghamshire.
“Surveys show that most mothers want to breastfeed but don’t always get the support they need. In the last 12 months alone more and more venues are taking on Baby Friendly status.”
To check out breastfeeding-friendly venues, go to www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/our-services/health-partnerships/county-health-partnerships/childrens-services/breastfeeding-promotion-service/?locale=en