The Rev Rodney Warden, chaplain at King’s Mill Hospital Faith Centre, Sutton, led a reception service there for the Peace Light flame that has travelled from Bethlehem, Palestine.
The flame is taken to as many churches, hospitals, schools and council offices that wish to receive it.
The Peace Light from Bethlehem campaign was originally organised by the Austrian Broadcasting Company – ORF (Linz) – and was part of a large charitable relief mission, Light into Darkness, for children in need in Austria and abroad.
Since 1986 there has been a great deal of co-operation between Scouts and Guides in many countries, which has enabled the light to travel throughout Europe, such that the light is passed on to 30 European countries – and for the past few years, on to North America, Mexico and Canada.
One of the Peace Light distributors is the chairman of 10th Mansfield Scout Group, Steve Cree,
He described the story of the Peace Light:
“Under the Church of the Nativity Bethlehem is the grotto or stable where Mary bore Jesus. At this grotto eternally bursn a number of flames. Each year, a child from Upper Austria kindles a flame from the “Eternal Flame” from the Nativity Grotto. The light is then flown to Austria from where it is distributed at a Service of Dedication to delegations from across Europe, who take it back, with a message of peace and hope, to their own countries for use at ecumenical services throughout the continent.
“Scouts and Guides can then take the light on to other churches, hospitals, old people homes, prisons, and places of public, cultural and political importance – in fact to anybody that appreciates the significance of the ‘gift’.”