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On the hunt for recycling champions across Nottinghamshire

Posted onPosted on 5th Oct

Nottinghamshire County Council and Veolia (Nottinghamshire County Council’s recycling and waste contractor) are looking for recycling champions from across the county.

If as an individual, a family, household, school, community group or charity you’ve been recycling, reusing, or repurposing more – or wasting less – and would like to feature as a Recycling Champion, tell them about your recycling efforts. Or if someone you know is a recycling champion. nominate them.

Coun Phil Rostance, vice-chairman of Communities and Place at Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “Making environmentally conscious choices is now becoming a lot easier in our everyday lives. If we all make small changes it can help make a big difference.

“The county council want to celebrate the small everyday changes that residents across Nottinghamshire have made to help reduce, reuse and recycle more through our Recycling Champions campaign. It’s a great way for us to recognise residents that are doing their bit for the environment whilst helping inspire others to make a positive switch.”

Residents can nominate a Recycling Champion via the Veolia website