NOTTINGHAMSHIRE is on course to meet a challenging 40% reduction in the number of serious casualties on the county’s roads by 2020.
A report to the council’s transport and highways committee later this month outlines the progress made over the last 12 months towards meeting the target.
The target of a 40% reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured on Notts roads has been set using the 2005-2009 average as a baseline.
The baseline figure is 517 and the report shows the 2013/14 figure of 345 casualties as being on track. The figure for children killed or seriously injured is 28, compared to a baseline figure of 54.
The council has achieved these targets with physical road improvements or lower speed limits where necessary and various road safety campaigns.
In addition, many other highway improvements such as new pedestrian crossings and interactive speed signs have also contributed toward improving highway safety.
A more detailed report of the 2013/14 accident and casualty analysis will be presented at a future meeting of the committee.