Nottinghamshire County Council has improved productivity across a range of services at a faster rate than any other county council over the last 12 months, a new study has found.
The report by iMPOWER Consulting has benchmarked the services provided by all 150 upper-tier councils, including health and social care, waste and recycling and services for vulnerable children, older people and people with disabilities.
In the last 12 months, Nottinghamshire County Council has improved its position from 54th to 22nd this year – making it the eighth most improved local authority overall and the most improved county council.
Nottinghamshire’s highest ranked services were those provided to older people, where it was placed tenth best in the country. It also performed well for health and social care (14th) and housing and homelessness (15th).
Coun Kay Cutts, leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “The results of this study are very encouraging – especially as they concentrate on productivity – in other words, the outcomes of the services we provide for the people we serve.
“The financial pressures facing local authorities at the moment are well-documented, but this report highlights that it’s still possible to be more efficient and effective with the right approach. Many of the approaches advocated as good practice -such as early intervention for potentially vulnerable children and enabling older people to live independently for longer – are standard practice at Nottinghamshire County Council, which is reflected in our positive ranking.
“I am pleased that we have been able to considerably improve outcomes overall for Nottinghamshire residents over the last year. We will study the report further to see how we can continue to move forward across all areas of our work.”