The initial steps to creating a new wood at Vicar Water Country Park, Clipstone, saw the first trees planted.
District councillors, representatives from Sherwood Forest Trust, and Clipstone Parish Council took part in the planting on the Vicardale site, including Coun David Lloyd, leader of Newark and Sherwood District Council; Dr Patrick Candler, chief executive of Sherwood Forest Trust; Coun Tina Thompson, Coun Scott Carlton, Clipstone Parish Council chair Claire Wigman, and Matt Smith, from Sherwood Forest Trust.
Local residents are also invited to get involved on Sunday, 20 March for a community tree planting at the site between 10am and 2pm. More information on this event will be provided closer to the time. To find out more visit: Vicar Water Country Park | Newark & Sherwood District Council (
The district council is planting 4.4 hectares of native woodland on previously grazed land at the country park. More than 4,000 new trees will include oak, birch, aspen, wild cherry, rowan, hornbeam, alder and crab apple to create a mixed broadleaved woodland.
As part of the Queen’s Green Canopy, the new woodland will be called Platinum Jubilee Woods.
The new woodland is part of the Trees For Climate initiative, a countrywide programme of woodland creation led by England’s Community Forests. It is supported by DEFRA, the Forestry Commission and the Community Forest Trust. Newark and Sherwood District Council, working with Greenwood Community Forest and Sherwood Forest Trust, is delivering the project..
Coun Lloyd said: “It is brilliant to see the beginning of something special at the Vicardale site. We all understand the benefits the development this wood will have on our residents, the local landscape, and, of course the wildlife in the area. It is a privilege to be part of the first steps in the creation of such an asset for our community.
“This wood is another element of our greening agenda, helping achieve our aim of being cleaner, safer and greener. It will also exceed our plans of planting 10,000 trees in Newark and Sherwood to help tackle the climate emergency and biodiversity loss.”
Patrick added: “The trust is delighted to work with the district council, which has made the land at Vicardale available for what will, we hope, become one of a number of new woodland creation opportunities across the district and, indeed, beyond.”
Nick Tucker, project manager for Trees For Climate, said: “This is an excellent partnership project which has provided the necessary funding and woodland creation expertise to make this all happen for the benefit of nature, people and our climate.
“With a target of 250 hectares of new planting across Greenwood Community Forest, we welcome approaches from landowners interested in receiving grant funding for the creation of new woodland.”
While the public will not be able to access the wood while the trees establish, it is hoped that new pathways will be able to be enjoyed by future generations. The final 300 trees are to be planted at the end of the programme by community groups and volunteers.
Greenwood Community Forest will maintain the site for the first 12 years. After then it is hoped maintenance work will be integrated into the routine running of the park.