If you know the internet from the intranet, downloads from uploads and Excel from Explorer, your community needs you!
Nottinghamshire County Council is launching the Nottinghamshire Digital Champions Network (NDCN), an army of internet-savvy volunteers it is looking to recruit to help residents and businesses in their area to get online.
People interested in becoming a Digital Champion are invited to attend a free, interactive event on Thursday 4 June (9.30am-1pm) at Rufford Park Golf Centre.
In Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire approximately 228,000 people have never used the internet, equivalent to around one in seven local residents. And it’s estimated that around 9.5m people in the UK have poor ‘basic online skills’, meaning that they don’t know how to send an email or search the web.
NDCN is being created to support the £20m Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire programme, which will ensure 95% of homes and businesses have access to fibre-broadband by April 2016.
Leading digital skills provider, Digital Unite is delivering NDCN on the Council’s behalf. They will recruit and support up to 60 Digital champions who will help local communities and businesses.
At the heart of the network will be an online training platform to develop the essential skills of the Digital Champions, including the information and support they will need to promote more awareness and better understanding of the Better Broadband for Nottinghamshire programme.
Councillor Diana Meale, Chair of the Economic Development Committee at Nottinghamshire County Council said: “Substantially more homes and businesses in Nottinghamshire than ever before can now access good broadband speeds, which open up fantastic opportunities to learn, socialise, boost sales, communicate or just have fun.
“However, we recognise that having access to a faster internet connection is one thing, but having the skills, confidence and understanding to make the most of it is another.
“Our Digital Champions Network will train and support a team of local volunteers as Digital Champions, who will help us get the message out to local people about the huge opportunities the internet can provide to them.”
For more information about the Digital Champions Network, register for a free place at the launch event by visiting www.digitalchampionsnetwork.com/nottinghamshire
The event is taking place on Thursday 4 June at Rufford Park Golf Centre, off Rufford Lane near Newark. A limited number of places are available so booking is essential.
The event will include guest speakers, interactive workshops and a buffet lunch. It is open to all individuals and local businesses interested in getting involved or benefiting from the network.