Nottinghamshire County Council is set to create five new Local Nature Reserves (LNR) on existing Green spaces.
There are currently 67 LNRs, of which six are owned by the council.
It is now starting a designation process, including preparing detailed management plans, for the sites, which will be submitted to Natural England.
The sites proposed include Newstead Old Coal Stocking Yard, Freckland Wood and the Linby Trail.
Coun John Cottee, cabinet member for Communities, said: “The creation of new Local Nature Reserves is a commitment we promised to deliver in the Nottinghamshire Plan and the council’s Environment Strategy.
“It’s all part of our drive to make the most of Nottinghamshire’s Green spaces for the benefit of our residents and wildlife.
“The sites put forward are at the heart of local communities, and provide accessible natural spaces to explore, play, learn and enjoy.”
The proposed sites have been selected to contribute to the geographic spread of LNRs across the county and are all managed by the council’s Green Spaces service.
Coun Cottee added: “There will be no extra cost to the taxpayer to manage them as Local Nature Reserves.”