A memory café, believed to be the first in Mansfield Woodhouse, has been opened by The Peaceful (Uhuru) Trust.
They have had support from the local Alzheimer’s Society and Nottinghamshire County councillor Joyce Bosnjak.
Trustee Charlene Burton-Betts, who runs the sessions, said: “It astounds me that a village as large has Woodhouse doesn’t have any dementia services.
“We are changing that and the support we have already received has been invaluable in achieving this goal.”
The café is open from 1pm to 3pm on the third Friday of every month at The Focus Point on Vale Road.
As demand rises the organisers said the café, which offers friendship, support and a listening ear, could increase from monthly sessions.
Along with free refreshments and a warm welcome, there are various activities on offer, singing, crafts, games and, most importantly, a group chat where members can share their own experiences or express the difficulties they face daily.
Guest speakers give information and advice on a wide range of health and wellbeing topics.
By the summer the group intends to offer day trips to garden centres and other attractions.
The café is run informally and every person who goes along can have input in the structure of the sessions.
The aim is for members to feel like it is their memory café, their decisions and their ideas.
Charlene said they believed that was a good way to empower those living with dementia.
The memory café is run by volunteers who do not claim to be experts, but they all have experience or training.
They can refer people to the Alzheimer’s Society, and point them in the right direction of other groups and associations.
The Peaceful Trust added: “Everyone can live well with dementia if they are given the right tools and support.
“The Peaceful Trust’s goal is that anyone who is diagnosed or living with dementia in Mansfield Woodhouse should feel they can get support within the village without the need to travel out of the area.”