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New County Commissioner for Girlguiding Nottinghamshire

Posted onPosted on 21st May

Girlguiding Nottinghamshire has announced Kirstie Pogson as its new County Commissioner.

Since joining Guiding as a Brownie at the age of seven, Kirstie has been an active member of the Worksop Division.

Currently a leader with 2nd Worksop Priory Guides, she has previously held leader roles with Rainbows, Brownies and Senior Section (now Rangers).

Kirstie was the head volunteer for Worksop from 2010 to 2015 and for a short period was the county Guide and Senior Section Residential Adviser.

She then accepted the role of Assistant County Commissioner in 2016 and subsequently her present role of Joint County Commissioner with Kayleigh Hunt, since August 2020.

Kirstie has helped to plan and run large-scale events like Brownie Blast and was Guiding Camp Chief at MegaMoot 2018.

Having been involved with keeping the county and its members safe during the Covid-19 pandemic, Kirstie is looking forward to supporting Girlguiding Nottinghamshire to move forwards.

“I am delighted and proud to have been selected to be the next county commissioner for Girlguiding Nottinghamshire,” she said.

“We have got lots of challenges ahead and I know that with the continued support of our members, volunteers and employees we will continue to offer excellent Guiding opportunities.

“I am looking forward to meeting as many of our members as possible at future county events.”

Girlguiding Nottinghamshire supports and encourages girls of all ages and abilities to get the most out of life, and enquiries about membership and volunteering opportunities are always welcome.

For details call County Headquarters on 0115 987 7220 or visit