Business development group Mansfield and Ashfield 2020 has partnered with management consultants Qinesis to deliver a knowledge transfer platform for modern leadership practice on 11th October, from 9am–4pm, at Ransom Woods Business Park, Mansfield.
Qinesis managing director Dr Cham Kang ssaid: “Modern leadership is a very human endeavour and top leaders treat their team with respect and as human beings whilst also ensuring their business have a positive social impact.
“With skills shortage the topic of growth issues throughout the UK, it’s vital for business survival to not just attract the right skill sets, but deal with retention and productivity that overall impacts on the bottom line.”
Operations director for Mansfield and Ashfield 2020 Caroline Cox said: “2020 operates to drive business growth for the area.
“Leadership is paramount within a modern business and we are delighted to be able to partner with Qinesis to demonstrate the benefits of leadership and the potential growth to businesses that embrace change.
“The conference has attracted key note speakers renowned for their knowledge transfer and breakout sessions will be coach-led.”
Organisers Qinesis and 2020 will also be offering attendees the opportunity to be a part of a coach-led peer-to-peer programme for leaders and middle managers.
To book a place email [email protected]
The cost per delegate is £45 or £30 to 2020 members.