Mansfield District Council held a minute’s silence at the Civic Centre to mark Workers’ Memorial Day.
The annual memorial day was set up to “remember the dead: fight for the living” — and to remember all those killed through work and to ensure such tragedies are not repeated.
Staff safety is of paramount importance to the council. Systems in place include; regime of Health and Safety Tours, Safety Representative meetings, and Health and Safety Committee meetings to enable employees, management and elected members to address issues or concerns.
The recognised trade unions at the council — the GMB, Unison and UCATT — along with the council’s health and safety team held information stands in the mall and gave away purple remembrance ribbons. A raffle raised £125 d for Families Against Corporate Killing.
A poem was read out by two members of the corporate leadership Team — Mike Robinson and Jacqueline Collins.
Jaqueline said: “We strive to create a safe working environment for all and work hard to develop health and safety procedures. We aim for a strong health and safety culture throughout the organisation and are proactive in workplace wellbeing.”