The new man in charge of policing in the Ashfield district has vowed to continue the fight against drugs, burglary and vehicle crime.
Inspector Mark Dickson previously served as a Detective Sergeant, tackling serious and organised crime across the county and has been in his new post for just over a month.
He explained: “This is a considerable change of direction for me, but I am relishing the chance to make a difference to the daily lives of local residents.
“Fundamentally I believe that community policing is about working in partnership to make our homes, streets and open spaces as safe and enjoyable as possible. And that word partnership is all important – because effective policing is all about communities working together to tackle shared problems and achieve shared goals.
“That’s why Nottinghamshire Police regularly surveys local people to understand what matters to them and sets policing priorities accordingly. Currently, based on what residents have reported, my focus is on drugs, burglaries and vehicle related crime.”