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Mansfield Lloyds Bank to hold Ready Teddy Bake for Children In Need

Posted onPosted on 11th Apr
Mansfield Lloyds Bank to hold Ready Teddy Bake for Children In Need

Lloyds Bank staff in Mansfield will join forces with 3,000 colleagues across the country between 18th–22nd April to take part in Ready Teddy Bake, a bake sale fundraising challenge for Children In Need.

The Lloyds Bank, Church Street, Mansfield branch is participating on Friday 22nd April. All bank colleagues, wearing non-uniform and baking aprons, will be getting involved, producing cup-cakes, treats and scones through to a Pudsey themed showstopper creation, which will be raffled for the charity. Customers and members of the public are invited to pop into the branch for some cake and a chat, in return for a donation.

Diane Darby, Bank Manager said: “Lloyds Bank Mansfield colleagues have always been huge supporters of the bank’s Charity of the Year, raising large amounts of money for good causes whether through baking, cycling or participating in extreme challenges.

“We hope that lots of our customers and the public support our Ready Teddy Bake fundraiser for BBC Children in Need and visit us in branch to buy a cake or two, or have a chat to find out how through this partnership we’re supporting disadvantaged children across the UK.”

More than 5,000 cakes, cup-cakes, pastries and buns will be made to help raise over £100,000 for the bank’s charity of the year partnership with BBC Children In Need.

The funds will help ensure that children and young people in the UK can have a safe, happy and secure childhood and have the opportunity to reach their potential.

BBC Children in Need supporter and former Great British Bake-Off winner Jo Wheatley said: “Baking cakes is a great way to bring people together for BBC Children in Need. Not only does it help to raise money in a fun way, but it also provides tasty treats for those involved. Pop along to your local Ready Teddy Bake participating Lloyds Bank branch to show your support.”

Ready Teddy Bake will take place across over 1,300 Lloyds Bank, Bank of Scotland and Halifax branches and Group Head Offices across the UK from 10.00am on Monday 18th April until branches close on Friday 22nd April. Members of the public are invited to visit their local participating branch during normal opening hours to buy cakes, find out about BBC Children in Need, make a donation and possibly meet Pudsey, who will be visiting selected branches.

Ready Teddy Bake is just one of a number of fundraising initiatives organised by the Group for BBC Children in Need. In 2016 colleagues will also participate in Challenge 100, an entrepreneurial challenge to convert £100 into as much money as possible; as well as Tour de Pudsey, an endurance challenge with teams cycling from London, Cardiff and Edinburgh to the Group’s Call Centre in Pudsey, Yorkshire.

Lloyds Bank aims to help Britain prosper through Lloyds Banking Group’s Helping Britain Prosper Plan. As part of this commitment, the Group aims to raise at least £2million per year for its Charity of the Year in 2015 and 2016. This is in addition to the fundraising achieved through the bank’s exclusive schools fundraising partnership with BBC Children in Need and its role as the charity’s first ever principal partner.

BBC Children in Need currently funds some 2,400 projects, all working to benefit the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in communities across the UK. To find out more about Lloyds Bank’s partnership with BBC Children in Need visit: