Mansfield shoe repairer David Lee is in line for an award at a world competition.
David, shop manager at Quality Shoe Repairs, Regent Street, has been named a finalist at the Shoe Service Institute of America (SSIA) World Cup.
The competition, held every two years, attracts the best shoe repairers in the world.
He is travelling to Long Beach, California in July when the winners will be revealed.
Last year the NewsJournal reported how David came fifth overall in the JR Shoe Repairer Of The Year competition and was the best in the East Midlands.
“This world competition is designed to reflect the standard of recrafting or remanufacturing that has been set for today’s shoe repairers,” he said.
“Winning entries should look like they just came out of the box at the shoe store.”
Entrants have to submit a repaired shoe with its unrepaired mate.
For the world competition, David had to repair one shoe of a pair of man’s Goodyear welted, Blake Stitched (McKayed or inside stitched) or cemented shoes with a new leather half sole and a new heel. He had to restore the upper on the repaired shoe.
He also had to repair one shoe of a pair of ladies’ high-heeled pumps with a new leather half sole and a new heel and restore the upper on the repaired shoe.
David, who has been at Quality Shoe Repairs for almost eight years and has worked in the shoe trade for 14 years, said: “It is an honour to of made the finals in such a huge competition.
“I was born, raised and still live on the Ladybrook estate. At one time Ladybrook was known as a deprived area in Mansfield with nothing much good coming from it, but I have always had faith in Jesus. Through him all things are made possible even something as small as being good at mending shoes.
“My message to all in Mansfield is that no matter what street you live on or what school you went to, you can be great.
“We were all made for greatness so don’t let anything hold you back in your life, just chase your dreams and have faith.”