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Making an impact with Fab Change Day 2016

Posted onPosted on 6th Oct
Making an impact with Fab Change Day 2016

Tai chi, yoga and fitball are just some of the activities visitors, staff and patients can try if they visit King’s Mill Hospital, Sutton, on Tuesday, October 11.

Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which runs the hospital, is holding a fitness event to demonstrate how an active lifestyle can benefit health and wellbeing.

The event, taking place in the main hospital’s main entrance between 10am and 4pm, is in support of NHS Change Day on October 19 – organised by the Academy of Fabulous Staff, which is a national movement of NHS staff demonstrating the differences people can make to their lives through simple acts.

Joanne Lewis-Hodgkinson, Lead Nurse for Falls at the trust, said: “The event will show people how simple changes to their lifestyle can lead to significant improvements to their health and wellbeing.

“There are many easy and enjoyable ways to include more physical activity into the day, for example gardening, dancing, using the stairs and brisk walking.

“Just a little a day can improve quality of life, may help with poor mobility and balance, increase flexibility and strength and ensure a positive attitude. This is particularly important for older people to help reduce the risk or fear of falling.

“Complementing our established staff health and wellbeing provision, we hope our events and support will also make a difference in improving wellbeing of those who use our health services.”