Mansfield District Council is rallying support from local knitters and crocheters to take part in a Royal Knit to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday this June.
Eastlands Junior School, Meden Vale, is just one of the supporters that has been quick to get involved. It arranged a workshop to teach children, teachers and parents how to knit, a new skill for many of those who took part.
Royal Knit co-ordinator Sara Brown, of Yankee Yarns, who led the workshop, said: “It was great to work with the children as they were so enthusiastic about the project. Community interest has been staggering so far, with many patriotic squares already being made and delivered to me. I’ll be collecting squares until 30 May so there’s still plenty of time to get involved.”
The idea of the Royal Knit is to bring people in the district together to knit squares in patriotic colours of red, white and blue, and in patterns such as Union Jacks, the Queen’s head or other royal iconography, to help dress the town centre in time for a street party in the Market Place on Sunday, 12th June to mark the Queen’s landmark birthday.
The party will be a family event with face painting, party entertainment, craft workshop and more for all to enjoy.
Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services Coun Stewart Rickersey said: “We have some great events coming up over the next few months on Mansfield Market that will bring a lively, fun atmosphere to the town centre. The Royal Knit is an example of how we want to encourage and involve the local community.”
More details about Mansfield Market will soon be available online at
For more information about the Royal Knit call Sara Brown on 07429 138131, email [email protected] or visit
Pictured are Cohen Adams, Archie Wright, Jamie Lee Turner and Emily Shutt.