To mark the centenary of the end of the first world war on Remembrance Sunday in November, Mansfield District Council is to create a display of thousands of knitted poppies.
The council is aiming to build on last year’s successful appeal, when the old Town Hall was decorated with more than 8,000 poppies knitted by hundreds of local volunteers, by adding another 10,000 poppies to the display.
People are also being asked to donate plastic tops from milk and fizzy drinks bottles, which will be used to create a bottle-top mosaic of poppies.
Green semi-skimmed milk bottle tops and red skimmed milk tops are especially needed but other colours can also be used in the mosaic.
The tops are being collected at the Civic Centre and the council’s offices at Clumber House, Clumber Street.
The Royal British Legion is again supporting the call for individuals and groups in the community to get involved by crocheting or knitting poppies.
The knitted poppy decorations will adorn part of the route for the Remembrance Day parade, which goes through the town centre via West Gate and into the Market Place on the way to St Peter’s Church.
Kate Allsop, the Mayor of Mansfield, said: “Last year the display of knitted poppies on the Old Town Hall made a really impressive and unforgettable statement.
“With this year being the 100-year anniversary of Armistice Day, we want to go even better.
“The flood of poppies coming into the council last year was remarkable. The community got behind the project and produced an amazing array of beautiful individual poppies.”
The council decided to organise last year’s knitted-poppy appeal following the success of the authority’s yarn bombing display for the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations in 2016.
Michael Beresford, Mansfield’s Poppy Appeal organiser, for the Royal British Legion, said: “The generosity of the people of Mansfield has been amazing over the years, and long may it continue, to help Servicemen and women and their families.
“Many have given their lives so we can live our lives. Remember them on this 100-year anniversary of the first world war.”
The council is again working with knitting group Yankee Yarns to co-ordinate the display, which means knitted or crocheted poppies can be taken to the shop at 185 Westfield Lane, Mansfield.
Alternatively, poppies can be taken to the Civic Centre, Mansfield, marked for the attention of the marketing and communications team.
They will be collected until 21 September and various opportunities will be held in the Market Place throughout the coming months in which people can help tie the poppies to camouflage nets.
People will also be able to write messages on a commemoration board.
The displays will be installed during the week prior to Remembrance Sunday, on 11th November — exactly 100 years to the day that peace was declared after four years of war against Germany.
Remembrance Sunday is now a memorial day for all British and Allied servicemen and women who have died in active service in various wars and conflicts since 1914.
Anyone interested in helping should speak to the events team on 01623 463376 or email [email protected] for information.
Details and poppy knitting patterns to download can be found online at