Mansfield District Council is calling on knitters to take part in a Royal Knit to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday this June.
Mansfield Market Place will be decorated using a street art phenomenon known as “Yarn Bombing”, which involves wrapping decorative knitted or crocheted material around tree trunks, railings, fences and other street furniture, in time for the town’s main celebration – The Queen’s Birthday Street Party.
The party, a big family event, with face painting, craft workshop and other activities, will take place in Mansfield Market Place on Sunday, 12th June, the day after the Queen’s official birthday celebration.
The knitting challenge is open to community groups, schools or individuals – anyone can get involved and you don’t even have to be an expert with the needles because there will also be crochet and knitting workshops for those who have never knitted before.
The main idea is to bring people in the district together to help dress the town centre for the street party by knitting squares in patriotic colours of red, white and blue, and in patterns such as Union Jacks, the Queen’s head or other royal iconography.
The project is being co-ordinated by a local business woman, Sara Brown, of Yankee Yarns, who will offer advice to beginners as well as collect squares and install the street art. She said: “I’ve always wanted to take part in a yarn bombing project so this was the perfect opportunity for me to get involved. Working with the community to celebrate the Queen’s birthday is a real honour.”
Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services Cllr Stewart Rickersey said: “We’re looking forward to celebrating the Queen’s birthday at Mansfield Market this June and encourage families to come along and join in. This project will bring an element of fun when we decorate the town with our royal knits. This is just one of many events we will be hosting in the market place this year.”
More details about Mansfield Market will soon be available online. For more information about the Royal Knit visit call Sara Brown on 07429 138131 or email [email protected].