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Joining Slimming World changed my life, says new consultant

Posted onPosted on 13th Dec

A woman who is launching a new Slimming World group in New Houghton in January has explained how losing weight transformed her life.

Marissa Miles, who lost 2st 10lbs over 11 months, said small, but meaningful changes, made with the help of Slimming World, made a huge difference in how she feels — physically and emotionally.

“Slimming World has been transformative, not just in my appearance but in the confidence and happiness it has brought back into my life,” she added.

“For years, my weight affected every part of my life. I felt miserable and self-conscious, hiding behind baggy clothes and avoiding mirrors.

My confidence had reached an all-time low. Physical exercise felt impossible; I’d get tired quickly, and my knees would ache.

“The turning point came when I saw Christmas photos of myself in 2023 with my little boy and hated what I saw.

“I wanted to feel good about myself and love the photos being taken with my family.

“I turned to Slimming World because I’d tried it before and knew it would work for me.

“Despite being nervous before my first session, as soon as I walked in I felt a sense of belonging.

“My consultant, Christina, made all the difference. She is there for me through every step, helping me understand my triggers, and guiding me through weeks where I slip up.”

Marissa said one of the best parts of Slimming World was food optimising, meaning she could still enjoy her favourite foods without feeling restricted or ever going hungry.

“I started planning my meals, creating a weekly shopping list based on healthy meals and snacks,” Marissa explained.

“Meal prepping has become a part of my routine, and now I look forward to cooking wholesome, satisfying dinners like curries, tray bakes, and roast dinners.

“My whole family has even got on board with new favourites, like taco rice bowls and homemade gyros — and we are, still cooking our usual favourites, like burgers, big breakfasts and kebabs.”

Marissa said her confidence has skyrocketed, she is no longer hiding, and feels good about her body and choices.

“Body Magic has helped me discover new joys, like running. Shortly after joining Slimming World, I started the Couch to 5K programme.

“I’d never run a day in my life before, but now I’m proud to say I can jog in short bursts — something I never thought I’d do!

“In addition to running, I now go on daily walks during my lunch break at work.

“Slimming World has changed my life, and now I’m excited to help others experience the same incredible benefits by becoming a consultant myself.”

Marissa’s group will be held on Saturdays at New Houghton Community Centre, on Rotherham Road, at 9am, from 4th January. Call Marisaa on 07935 741141 for further details.