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Inclusive weekly singing group launched in Mansfield

Posted onPosted on 23rd Jun

A partnership between countywide charity Music for Everyone (MfE) and Portland College has led to the creation of an inclusive singing group in Mansfield.

The weekly session at the college’s Newstart Theatre, called Open Voices, is part of MfE’s 40th anniversary project, celebrating inclusion in music, supported by Arts Council England’s National Lottery project grants.

It follows the success of similar groups in Sherwood, Beeston, and West Bridgford.

Open to all, the singing group meets on Fridays, from 1.45pm to 3.15pm, and is keen to welcome new members. It is designed particularly for individuals with learning disabilities or difficulties, and their family members and carers.

No singing experience is necessary, just a sense of enthusiasm to join in.

Open Voices is linked with the expertise of Open Wings, based in Sherwood; Reach, based in Southwell; and Portland College.

Newstart activities and theatre programme lead Andy Gosling said: “The Portland College community has fully embraced Open Voices. As a now weekly fixture, our learners and citizens love coming together at the end of week to sing, dance and simply enjoy music.

“We have had an incredible start and hope more people join us to connect through music and community.”

John Hess, chairman of MfE trustees, said: “It is astonishing what has and is being achieved, Our numbers are growing.”