A MANSFIELD woman is a regional finalist for Specsavers’ Spectacle Wearer Of The Year.
Jane Slack, 37, was among thousands who shared a selfie online to enter the competition.
Jane, a mother of two, was invited to visit the Specsavers store in Mansfield to receive a bottle of champagne, a certificate and a £125 glasses voucher and a free eye test.
“I’ve been wearing specs for more than 10 years and I love wearing them — they make you look trendy,” she said.
“I’ve never won anything so to be a regional finalist in the competition is amazing.”
Imogen Hoyle, Mansfield Specsavers store director, added: “It was great to meet Jane and to appreciate why she’s a regional finalist — she looks great in her specs.”
If she triumphs in her age category in a Facebook vote, Jane will attend an awards ceremony in London this month.