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Guiding helps children’s centre

Posted onPosted on 3rd Dec

Girlguiding Nottinghamshire has raised £750 for the Children’s Bereavement Centre, Newark.

In July, members came together virtually to mark the 90th anniversary of one of its properties.

Elton Campsite, close to Orston, was gifted to Girlguiding Nottinghamshire in 1930 by Col. G. N. Pearson and has been the site of hundreds of camps.

Girlguiding Nottinghamshire said that was why it was important to mark this special occasion, even with all group meetings suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Members from all over the county came together over the weekend of 4th and 5th July to have a special camp — from their own homes.

More than 1,350 members of Girlguiding Nottinghamshire took part in the camp, across all age groups — from Rainbows (5-7 years), Brownies (7-10), Guides (10 to 14) and Rangers (14 to 18) to adult leaders and members of the Trefoil Guild.

As part of the camp, members took part in a series of tasks, including singing Happy Birthday to Elton, making a birthday card, having a campfire and also enjoying some birthday cake. In doing this, they earned a special badge for the event.

All proceeds from sales of the badge were being donated to Children’s Bereavement Centre, Newark, which helps children aged 3-18, with the grieving process brought on by the death or terminal illness diagnosis of someone close to them.

The charity offers services across Nottinghamshire.

Girlguiding Nottinghamshire said it was now proud to confirm that a donation of £750 will be made to the centre.

Rachel Wilson, fundraising manager at the Children’s Bereavement Centre, said: “I was excited earlier this year when I heard about the plans for the Camp out to Help Out fundraiser.

“It was a really imaginative and fun way for the girls to both celebrate the special birthday of one of its properties and also raise vital funds for a local charity — all at the same time as staying safe at home.

“Who didn’t love making a camp at home when they were younger and I hope everyone involved had a great deal of fun.

“We are genuinely overwhelmed by how much the girls have raised. It’s been a difficult year for all charities and these funds will enable us to continue to be there to support children and young people through one of the most traumatic experiences they will have.

“It really will help us change lives. A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved.”

Kirstie Pogson, joint County Commissioner for Girlguiding Nottinghamshire, added: “What an incredible achievement for the members of Girlguiding Nottinghamshire.

“Lending a hand has always been an important part of guiding. Helping people in their local communities is extremely important at the moment and I am proud of the efforts our members made.”

Girlguiding Nottinghamshire supports and encourages girls of all ages and abilities to get the most out of life, and enquiries about membership and volunteering opportunities are always welcome. For details call County Headquarters on 0115 987 7220 or visit