Travel and tourism students at West Nottinghamshire College, Mansfield, have organised a trip to America for their end-of-year class celebration. Their journey was short though as this was an American-themed event held in the college’s Refined restaurant, based on the popular film ‘Grease’.
The Level 3 year two group planned and managed their own event as part of their study modules and to enable them to say farewell to fellow students and tutors and celebrated with burgers, fries, ice lollies, a karaoke and fun photos and props.
With planning beginning in March, the students split into four groups and were asked to choose a theme for their event. Each group proposed and presented ideas to their tutors and fellow classmates voted.
The winning theme was ‘Grease’ and with a budget of £300 the students strategically managed everything including the catering, décor and props, arranging a suitable venue and putting the relevant health and safety measures into place and carefully adhering to Covid19 regulations.
The all-American party, featuring the film’s Pink Ladies, popular songs and themed food proved a great success with the year two group.
Student Charlie Summers, 20, said: “My group’s proposal won the vote so we got to organise the event with our chosen theme which was Grease. I worked with my group to choose decorations that would fit with our theme.
“On the day I helped set up the photo booth, balloons and karaoke and we hosted various activities for everyone to take part in. The best bit was seeing everyone get involved with it all – even the teachers had a go on karaoke!
“Now that I’ve completed the course I will be applying for some travel-based jobs over the summer months as well as looking forward to the trip to Alton towers for the whole of the curriculum.”
Travel and tourism tutor Sabrina Sandhu said: “Every single student worked incredibly professionally on their well-earned celebration event.
“It was a great time for students and teachers to wind down and celebrate, have a bit of fun whilst still gaining experience of how to organise and manage a professional event from concept to completion. Even though it had to be scaled down for Covid19 regulations, it certainly didn’t limit the students’ enthusiasm or spirit of team-working and friendship.”