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Four Seasons invites nominations for charity initiative

Posted onPosted on 20th Apr
Four Seasons invites nominations for charity initiative

People are invited to put forward good causes and help Mansfield’s Four Seasons Shopping Centre select its nominated charity.

The shopping centre – which has most recently worked closely with John Eastwood Hospice, helping to raise several thousands of pounds – will select one of the nominees to be its designated charity for the coming year.

“As a centre we’re always delighted to work with both local and national charities on a wide variety of activities,” said Rebekah O’Neill, Centre Manager at Four Seasons, “but we also adopt one key charity each year, which is the focus of our fundraising activities.

“We wanted to give our customers the chance to help us choose a charity for us to work with this year, so that the people of Mansfield feel as invested in making fundraising activity here as successful as we do.”

Once the nominations have been received, the centre management team and retailers will select the designated charity.

Yvonne Shucksmith, fundraising and events manager with John Eastwood Hospice Trust, said the charity partnership with Four Seasons had not only been a great boost to fundraising, but had also been significant in helping to raise the hospice’s profile in the community.

“We are very grateful for the tremendous support of everyone at the centre and their customers, which has raised over £4,000 towards the provision of vital hospice services,” she said. “We sincerely thank them for helping us to make a difference.”

To nominate a charity, contact Louise Scott by e-mailing [email protected], including your name, daytime telephone number, the name of the charity and why you are nominating them

All nominations must be registered charities. The closing date is 5pm on Friday, 29 April.