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Film showcases young writing talent

Posted onPosted on 25th Jun
Film showcases young writing talent

A film celebrating the creative writing talents of youngsters across Mansfield has been launched on YouTube, showcasing the third ‘WrittenByMe’ Short Story Competition.

The competition, run by the Mansfield Area Partnership with support from local businesses, saw entries from pupils across the district, who submitted stories and poems from a variety of genres.

Katrina Atherton, director of A-Star Media, judge and co-host of the awards, said: “We put this film together for the Mansfield Area Partnership, and it’s something the young people who took part can look back on and be really proud of what they achieved. The competition was started three years ago after Kath Jephson, a Mansfield 2020 Board Member, wanted to give local children the chance to improve their literacy skills.”

“Mansfield 2020 has been able to work with the Mansfield Area Partnership and local businesses to make it happen and it’s gone from strength to strength, and it’s great to have a tool to show the wider community what a great event this is.”

The film can be seen at:

The film features, teachers, finalists and winners on the night. The awards were supported by the Evolve Trust, B Jephson Shopfitters Mansfield Ltd, Stopford Associates and A-Star Media. All of the finalists received goodie bags donated by Mansfield BID and all of the stories will be published in a book, printed by Linney Group. Winners will have further opportunity to celebrate their success at a book launch later in the year.