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European election latest

Posted onPosted on 14th May
European election latest

Residents of Mansfield District are being advised to check the location of their polling station and make sure their vote counts at The European Parliamentary Elections on Thursday, 22nd May.

If you are registered to vote you will already have received your poll card, which will tell you where to vote. You don’t have to take it with you to the polling station but please check it for details of the polling station as some locations have changed following a review.

Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday, 14th May.

If you have a medical emergency after the deadline, you can apply to vote by emergency proxy (until 5pm on 22nd May) if the emergency means that you cannot go to the polling station in person.

You can also apply to vote by emergency proxy (until 5pm on 22nd May) if your occupation, service or employment means that you cannot go to the polling station in person, and you only become aware of that fact after the deadline.

In a UK European Parliamentary Election, you have one vote to elect all of the members of the European Parliament for the East Midlands region. Each party puts forward a list of candidates called a ‘regional list’ and you vote for one of these lists, or for an individual candidate standing as an independent.

The number of MEPs that are elected from each party to represent a region depends on the overall share of the vote that party receives. For details of the parties and individual candidates standing in the election visit

Electoral Registration Officer for Mansfield Ruth Marlow said: “We do not want people to miss out on the opportunity to vote in the European elections. Check your poll card for the location of your polling station and make sure your vote counts on 22 May.”

For more information contact the Elections team on 01623 463 345 or visit the council’s website at