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We've Got Mansfield, Ashfield & Sherwood Covered


Display brown bin sticker

Posted onPosted on 7th Apr

Residents who have signed up for Mansfield District Council’s Garden Waste Collection Service are reminded to put the paid sticker on their bin.

Stickers have now been issued to all customers who have paid for the service and stickers need to be stuck on brown bins to ensure crews empty the bin. If you have signed up but not received your sticker, please contact the Council on 01623 463463.

With spring now well under way, it is not too late to sign up for the service. It costs £25 per year for a year-round service with fortnightly collections from March to November and a monthly service in December, January and February. The cost is the same even if you join partway through the year – so join now to get the most out of the service.

The following waste can be recycled in brown bins:
•grass cuttings
•hedge trimmings
•small branches and twigs
•weeds, and
•cut flowers.

Martyn Thurman, Head of Neighbourhood Services at Mansfield District Council, said: “We would encourage everyone to make use of the service, which enables people to have their garden waste removed from their doorstep without the fuss and mess of going to the tip. This is an all year-round service, which not only saves you time and effort, but reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill and the amount of greenhouse gases produced.”

To sign up for 2015/2016, call 01623 463463 or apply online at