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Digital Covid campaign to help businesses

Posted onPosted on 6th Jul

R.E.A.L. Creative Digital — a unique educational setting where students are exposed to fully operational industrial projects — is running a Covid-19 recovery campaign to support businesses in and around Mansfield and Ashfield.

Businesses have the opportunity to advertise for four weeks on its LED advertising boards, which can be seen from Portland Street, Mansfield. A 50% discount is available for bookings in July.

A spokesman said: “We are hoping to incentivise local firms to advertise their trading status following the easing of lockdown restrictions and hope to encourage consumers to get back to spending in the local area.

“With a daily average of 24,831 people passing the screen, this is a fantastic opportunity to gain exposure as your business reopens for trading.

“We’re not a national advertising agency charging premium prices. This is a screen to support local businesses get recognised at affordable rates.”

Any business interested should email [email protected] or go to for more information.